Horizons Pre-Algebra

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Continue in Horizons with Pre-Algebra
While we love Math-U-See for pre-algebra, we understand it may not be the right choice for every student. Horizons Math Pre-Algebra will be a blessing for families whose children have gone all the way through the sixth grade in Horizons Math and don't want to switch to a different program, or a great alternative for the student who is looking for a text and workbook rather than computer-based instruction.

Complete Set Includes All You Need
Horizons Pre-Algebra builds on basic math operations with hands-on lessons in basic algebra, trigonometry, geometry, and real-life applications. The complete set includes a full-color student workbook with 160 engaging lessons, a user-friendly teacher's guide, and a separate tests and resources book for evaluating student progress.

Student Book with 160 Colorful Lessons
Containing 160 colorful lessons with perforated pages for easy removal, the Pre-Algebra Student Book teaches your child volume and surface area of solids, four operations with monomials and polynomials, representations of data, trigonometric ratios, and more.

Time-saving Teacher's Guide
The step-by-step Horizons Pre-Algebra Teacher's Guide includes daily lesson plans, helpful teaching resources, material lists, exciting hands-on learning activities, and answer keys for all 160 lessons in the Horizons Pre-Algebra Student Book. The guide also includes solutions keys for worksheets, tests, and exams in the Tests & Resources Book.

Solidify Skills with the Tests & Resources Book
Solidify your child's pre-algebra skills with the Horizons Pre-Algebra Tests and Resources Book. This handy resource improves concept comprehension of lessons with easy-to-use, tear-out materials that include hands-on activities, 80 review worksheets, 16 tests, and four exams.


Features Samples of Horizons:
Horizons Pre-Algebra Student Book
Horizons Pre-Algebra Teacher's Guide
Horizons Pre-Algebra Student Tests & Resources Book
Horizons Scope and Sequence

Not sure if this grade level is right for your student? You can find the Horizons Pre-Algebra here or Horizons Math Placement (levels 1-6) here.

This solid math course includes:


  • Full Color Student Workbook with Removable Pages
  • 160 appealing student lessons
  • Complete Teacher's Guide
  • Tests & Resources Book

    These materials may also be purchased individually.

    Publisher's Information
    Publisher: Alpha Omega Publications
    Made In: USA
  • Faith-Based: No