Exploring Creation with Botany Junior Notebooking Journal

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JUNIOR Botany Notebooking Journal
for Exploring Creation with Botany.

This junior notebooking journal is much like the original Botany Notebooking Journal, but is designed for younger students or those with limited writing skills. All the lines are primary writing lines (a dashed line between two solid lines), and there are far fewer than in the original journal.

This junior journal is perfect for:
  • Younger students that have not yet mastered handwriting
  • Older students that are delayed in handwriting mastery
  • Older students with learning disabilities
  • Students that are new to written narration

    Coloring, Vocabulary, Copywork, and Diagramming
    Each lesson in the junior journal begins with two coloring pages for the student to color while he listens to the reading of the text. These pages are followed by a template page designed to encourage creative expression where the student illustrates what he has learned and writes a sentence or two about the topic.

    Vocabulary retention activities are next, as well as Scripture copywork (shorter than in the original notebooking journal and with larger font).

    Includes Templates for all Assignments
    Templates to complete all the notebooking assignments, the Personal Person Project with transparencies for the animals, project record keeping, Scientific Speculation Sheets and, of course, the same beautiful, full-colored miniature books found in the original notebooking journals are included in the junior journal.

    What's Missing?
    There are some higher-level activities missing from the junior journal, but they are replaced with cut-and-paste activities that bring the subject to life. What's missing?
  • The lengthy and technical Vocabulary Crosswords
  • The What Do You Remember? written review questions
  • The Final Review

  • Ideal for Students Uncomfortable with Writing Paragraphs
    These junior journals will be perfect for the beginning writer or the child who is not yet writing well. Every child writes at a different age, so age is not the best factor when determining whether to purchase a regular notebooking journal or the junior journal. The best determining factor is whether or not the child feels comfortable writing paragraphs. If not, the junior journal is a great tool to help the child begin incorporating writing into his learning.
    Please note: This is the junior journal only; the textbook is required!

    View Exploring Creation with Botany sample pages here (sample pages include Text & Notebooking Journal sample pages, Table of Contents, Supply List, and more).

    Author: Jeannie Fulbright
    Pages: 278
    Binding: Spiral-bound
    Copyright: 2012
    ISBN: 9781935495635
    Publisher: Apologia Science
    Made In: USA
    Consumable: Yes
    Reproducible: No

    Awards and Endorsements:
    Old Schoolhouse EE Award 2015 1st Place Winner!
    Practical Homeschooling 2015 Reader Award Top Ranked by Homeschoolers!
    One of Cathy Duffy's 102 Top Picks for Homeschool Curriculum 2015!
    About.com Readers' Choice Winner!