Typically counted as 1/2 credit for high school students.
All about Our Government
Does the prospect of a semester of studying government set your child's feet to dancing? Mine neither. But in many states a semester is required for graduation, and as painful as it may seem, a complete understanding of government will have greater impact on your students than a comparable understanding of calculus.
As Painless as it Gets
Exploring Government from the Notgrass Company is as painless as it gets. Bite-sized lessons cover federal, state, and local government, as well as contemporary issues in government. Special emphasis is placed on the Biblical basis for government and on the U.S. Constitution.
Self-Study Course for Teens
Busy moms will be glad to know that Exploring Government is designed as a self-study course for teens with seventy-five engaging lessons divided into fifteen units of five lessons each. Each lesson has a student-friendly layout, with options included for a variety of interesting, relevant activities in every unit.
Optional Half-Credit in English
Exploring Government can be used to achieve a half-credit in English as well, if your child uses the recommended literature books (we suggest checking them out from the library) and the literary analysis provided in the optional Student Review Pack, plus chooses to do essay writing as their project. If your child is college bound and without other writing activities, doing these assignments may be valuable in crystallizing on paper his or her opinions and possible real-life applications. Better yet, use these suggested essay questions as a springboard for discussions around the dinner table or with your community group.
A Better Grasp of U.S. Government
The Exploring Government curriculum package includes two books: the Exploring Government textbook with material clearly outlined as to the student's daily and weekly assignments, and We Hold These Truths, a collection of historic documents, essays, and speeches in American government. Both books are illustrated with a plethora of full-color photos, drawings, and maps. In addition, an optional Student Review Pack is available to provide literary analysis for the optional English component, review questions for each lesson, weekly quizzes, three exams, and an answer key. If you need accountability, grab one of these. The Exploring Government curriculum package is appropriate for any high schooler or anyone else who desires a better grasp of U.S. government.
Exploring Government Curriculum Package includes:
See sample pages below:
Exploring Government (includes Table of Contents, Introduction, Unit 4, and Unit 11)
We Hold These Truths (includes Table of Contents and selected readings)
Guide for Parents
Student Review Book (includes review questions and literary analysis for Units 4 and 11)
Quiz and Exam Book (includes quizzes for Units 4 and 11 and the Third Exam)
Answer Key
Seventy-five engaging lessons divided into fifteen units of five lessons each. Lessons cover Federal, state, and local government and also contemporary issues in government. Understand the background, basis, and operation of American government on all levels. We Hold These Truths is a collection of historic documents, essays, and speeches in American government. Both books are illustrated with colorful photos, drawings, and maps. In addition, there is an optional Student Review Pack that contains literary analysis, review questions for each lesson, weekly quizzes, three exams, and an answer key. A half-year credit in government, can also optionally provide a half-year credit in English Takes 45 minutes to an hour per day to achieve half-year government credit, or one and a half hours to achieve both government and English half-credits.
All about Our Government
Does the prospect of a semester of studying government set your child's feet to dancing? Mine neither. But in many states a semester is required for graduation, and as painful as it may seem, a complete understanding of government will have greater impact on your students than a comparable understanding of calculus.
As Painless as it Gets
Exploring Government from the Notgrass Company is as painless as it gets. Bite-sized lessons cover federal, state, and local government, as well as contemporary issues in government. Special emphasis is placed on the Biblical basis for government and on the U.S. Constitution.
Self-Study Course for Teens
Busy moms will be glad to know that Exploring Government is designed as a self-study course for teens with seventy-five engaging lessons divided into fifteen units of five lessons each. Each lesson has a student-friendly layout, with options included for a variety of interesting, relevant activities in every unit.
Optional Half-Credit in English
Exploring Government can be used to achieve a half-credit in English as well, if your child uses the recommended literature books (we suggest checking them out from the library) and the literary analysis provided in the optional Student Review Pack, plus chooses to do essay writing as their project. If your child is college bound and without other writing activities, doing these assignments may be valuable in crystallizing on paper his or her opinions and possible real-life applications. Better yet, use these suggested essay questions as a springboard for discussions around the dinner table or with your community group.
A Better Grasp of U.S. Government
The Exploring Government curriculum package includes two books: the Exploring Government textbook with material clearly outlined as to the student's daily and weekly assignments, and We Hold These Truths, a collection of historic documents, essays, and speeches in American government. Both books are illustrated with a plethora of full-color photos, drawings, and maps. In addition, an optional Student Review Pack is available to provide literary analysis for the optional English component, review questions for each lesson, weekly quizzes, three exams, and an answer key. If you need accountability, grab one of these. The Exploring Government curriculum package is appropriate for any high schooler or anyone else who desires a better grasp of U.S. government.
Exploring Government Curriculum Package includes:
- Exploring Government Text
- We Hold These Truths
See sample pages below:
Exploring Government (includes Table of Contents, Introduction, Unit 4, and Unit 11)
We Hold These Truths (includes Table of Contents and selected readings)
Guide for Parents
Student Review Book (includes review questions and literary analysis for Units 4 and 11)
Quiz and Exam Book (includes quizzes for Units 4 and 11 and the Third Exam)
Answer Key
We Hold These Truths
Publisher's Information:
Binding: Hard Cover
Copyright: 2016
Publisher: Notgrass Company
Made In: USA
Faith-Based: Yes
Exploring Government
Publisher's Information:
Binding: Hard Cover
Copyright: 2016
Publisher: Notgrass Company
Made In: USA
Typical High School Credits Earned: 1/2 credit government
Faith-Based: Yes
Awards and Endorsements:
2012 Practical Homeschooling Reader Awards Third Place